Can Do Café and Peer Assist

I recently attended a Can Do Café event.  The main focus of the Café was a Knowledge Management Tool – Peer Assist.

Definitions – Can Do Café is a method to facilitate change.  In small groups you have a topic to debate.  Individuals move around the group joining in with different discussions.  A host updates the new joiners on the discussion.  Notes can be made and shared with the group. This more informal approach stimulates discussion and within the groups provides an opportunity for everyone to be involved.

Group chatting

Peer Assist – is a tool which supports a ‘learning before doing’ processes in which advice to solve a problem/make an improvement usually in a group setting.

Knowledge Management – is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organisation.[1] It refers to a multidisciplinary approach to achieving organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.

The Discussion Item

Standardising the collection and use of statistics in a department.

Stats wordle


The individual seeking solutions to the issue seat in the centre of a small group (in my case about 6 people).  The group ask questions of the proposer, make suggestions and raise any concerns.  For each category the feedback is noted.  One of the group has the role of facilitator and time keeper.


This is the first Peer Assist I have attended.  I found it to be very helpful technique to share a challenge.  The environment was supportive and encouraging.  The method made me stop and think about what we are doing, why and what the ultimate goal is.

The suggestions made are practical and have merit.  My next task is to meet with my manager to examine each one and establish what we start trying.

I also have a responsibility to feedback to the group so they are aware of has been tried and tested, what has worked or not and what lessons have learned.

If you have the opportunity to participate in a Peer Assist I would recommend it.

I would equally recommend attending a Can Do Café.  This type of event provides an opportunity to meet and discuss issues with colleagues and share experiences in an informal setting.

Gold stars

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